Howdy neighbor!

it seems you've found my fancy-schmancy new neocities site

i'm not quite sure what all to put here yet. i'm expecting it to be half-portfolio and half-coding-sandbox. maybe a blog in the future too.

why neocities? why not a github site with 30-50 feral node js libraries built in react?

there is something to be said about reclaiming an independent a personalized internet, something not overly commercialized and sanitized, just creativity and community. its refreshing to see a community of people dedicated to just making tech and art, and not looking for VC funding, followers, or crypto holders. i want to be that free to make too.

whatever your reason for being here, i'm happy to have you. take a seat while i put the kettle on for us.

like humans, this page is constantly growing and evolving. please be patient while it figures itself out :)

★ god, i love a good marquee tag ★